Sunday, October 29, 2017

Monologue Mania Day # 1354 Let Me Finish! by Janet S. Tiger (c) Oct. 29 , 2017

Welcome to Monologue Mania- one new free* monologue a day- -and still going!
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Monologue Mania Day # 1354 Let Me Finish! by Janet S. Tiger (c) Oct. 29 , 2017  

     Another one I am entering in a contest - does it work?  Have edited a bit since I first put it on the blog.  Thanks for all comments and suggestions!

                                                  Let Me Finish!          

                                       A play in one act by Janet S. Tiger   
                           © 2016 all rights reserved 

Two characters - in order of appearance

Elizabeth/LIZ   - 50s
ELI  -(Father of Liz) - 80s

Setting - patio in front of an apartment on ground floor
              nice  table, chairs,  plant

 Time - a few years ago
            (We hear Eli and Elizabeth before we see them, as they come into view with Eli using a            walker, and Elizabeth carrying some bags from a shopping trip.)

LIZ -  (Tired, trying to be cheerful) So, do you want the eggs or the tuna? 

ELI -  Why do you make life so difficult?  Just decide for me....

LIZ -  Whatever I pick, you won't like......

ELI -  So what difference does it make what you pick?

LIZ -  If you pick, it's not my fault!

ELI - It's your fault no matter what!

LIZ-  (Trying another direction)  Now that we have that decided, what do you want for dinner?

ELI - Maybe I want to get home and sit for a minute, think about this very important choice in my life!

LIZ -  Sorry, it's just that.. Jerry and I are having dinner with some friends.....I was hoping to get
home early enough to….

ELI -  (Cuts her off) I always get tired when I go to the was particularly bad.....

LIZ -  I wish you'd let me go in with you.....

ELI -  I don't let you go in because you'd end up doing all the talking!

LIZ -  Whatever you want, Dad.....I'm just trying to help....

         (They get to the chairs and Eli sits in one heavily)

ELI -  Let's sit outside for a minute.  It's still nice........Did I ever tell you about Phil Adelberg?

LIZ -  (Sighing heavily)  Yes, Dad you have.....

ELI -  He was a very smart guy....we knew each other from the service...

LIZ - (She's heard this before) You were in business together after the war.....

ELI -  We started the business together....And I stayed in the reserves...your mother liked that      extra money every month... the money came in handy when your brother was a baby...

LIZ - And he took care of the business when you were called back to service in Korea....

ELI - And then they called me back....who knew that there would be a Korea?  They             told me after World War II that there could never be another war like that.....and they     were many ways, Korea was worse....

LIZ -  How about  the eggs,  Dad?  You haven't had eggs in a few days....

ELI -  Can't you let me finish? You never let me finish!

LIZ -  (Irritated)  Okay!  Finish!

ELI -  So Phil Adelberg, he took good care of the business while I was gone.....I don't think you      remember him, do you?  You were a baby when he died.....

LIZ -  Just a baby....

ELI -  He gave you a ring, a beautiful ring.....and when you were holding it, you dropped it ....

LIZ -  (She was always blamed)   And it was never found.....

ELI -  A shame, it was a nice ring....

LIZ -  How about a tuna sandwich?  With some avocado?

ELI -  (Getting annoyed)  Let me finish!

LIZ -  So finish!

ELI -  (Upset)  That doctor told me upsetting news!  I can't even get you to be quiet for one             minute to listen!  But the tuna sounds good....

LIZ -  Wait a minute....what did you just say?

ELI -  Do you ever listen?  I said the tuna was ok....

LIZ -  About the doctor!  What did the doctor say!

ELI -  He said …. my heart can't handle another operation.....and if I have one of these episodes          in my sleep, that's gonna be the end.....but no avocado....I think that avocado is a little          overripe....

LIZ -  Thanks for sharing!

ELI -  No problem.....where was I about Phil Adelberg.....

LIZ -  I don't remember!

ELI - Oh, the ring....

            (He reaches into his pocket and takes out his wallet, excavating a small packet)

ELI -  Here......I found it.....

           (He holds out something to her)

LIZ -  What?  What is this?

ELI -  The ring.....

LIZ -  What do you mean you found it?  We moved from New Jersey when I was a kid!  

ELI -  Are you nuts?  I didn't find it yesterday!  I found it that day.....and I put it away....for             now....

LIZ - And I got blamed for losing it for all these years?  Amazing!

ELI -  (Ignores her)  Try it on....
LIZ -  Well it's not going to fit....this was for a little girl....

ELI -  Maybe on a pinky....

LIZ - is pretty.....

         (She puts it on her pinky, looks at her father)

ELI -  (Hard to tell)  Phil Adelberg….. took very good care of the business.....and while I was      away, fighting in Korea....he took..... good care of your mother... and brother,    first I was very grateful.....

          (Liz sits heavily, looking at the ring)

ELI -  But then, I did the math.....I was never that good at math, Phil did the books....

LIZ – (Starting to figure it out) What do you mean.....'took care of'.....

ELI -  You know what I mean......

LIZ -  (Horrified, amazed)  What are you telling me?  That Phil Adelberg was my.....father?

ELI -  I was home on were born..........eight months after I left..... you were over                         eight  pounds.....a bit large for a premature baby......

LIZ-  You're crazy!  Did the doctor tell you you were crazy?  He should have!

ELI -  And that ring.....years ago, no one would have thought that a person could leave DNA on        something like that....but's amazing what they can do......and your DNA.....well,   that's easy....some of your hair from that brush you use in your purse......

LIZ -  You took hair from my purse?  What kind of a lunatic thing is this?  Do you expect me to   believe.....

ELI - (Angry)  For once - can you let me finish!....... And today the doctor gave me the             report.....these things take a little time, and they cost money, but I wanted to be sure.....

         (He hands over an envelope, she opens it, reads slowly)

ELI -  I'm not so crazy, am I?

LIZ -  Phil Adelberg was my...father?

ELI -  I'd like to think...he was ….the donor....and that I'm the father....but, you'll have to make
that decision for yourself.....

LIZ -  Everything I've lived, all these years....a lie?

ELI -  No lie that I love lie that I would have died for you.....or your brother....

LIZ - half-brother!  (Realizes)  Does he know about....

ELI - (Quickly)  No!  That's going to be your choice....whether you want to share that with             him.....

LIZ -  All this time.....and mom.....she knew?

ELI -  (Looks at her and shakes head)  Of course she knew!

LIZ - I guess that was a silly question.....

ELI -  And now, like those TV commercials....But wait, there's more!

LIZ -  (Almost laughing)  More?  This wasn't enough? (Anguished)  That everything in my life is   not what it seemed? You know, dad, I have a friend, and after 32 years of marriage, her       husband told her he wants a divorce!  Because he had a second family!  With two children?  In another city!  And he wants to live with them!  Can you believe that?  Of course you can, because lies run in families don't they?  Like rivers.....poisoned polluted rivers where the garbage from years before gets buried and then surfaces .........from some  storm that makes the murky water overflow with tears and destroy everything built up on    the banks.......(takes a deep breath)

            And when she told me her story....I couldn't believe it!  I was so grateful OUR family             never had secrets like that!  Boy, how wrong can you be?

ELI -  Are you finished?  Are you gonna let me finish now?

LIZ -  (Laughs)  Go ahead!  I always wanna hear the final pitch!

ELI -  Phil Adelberg didn't die of a heart attack.....

LIZ -  (Really scared)  Oh, no, please!  Don't tell me you killed him!

ELI -  (Very annoyed)  Let me FINISH!

LIZ -  (Yelling)  All right!  Finish already!

ELI -  He committed suicide!

           (This stops her and she sits heavily)

ELI -  He left a letter.....
          (He hands her a letter, she reads it shaking her head)

ELI - And all his interest in the business.....

         (He indicates something else in the envelope)

ELI -  That's a check for his share.....

LIZ -  Every time I needed help, you told me you were broke....that you spent it all when Mom   was sick....

ELI -  It was the truth....but this is your money.....all yours..... I want you to have it now....when
you really need it for retirement.....

          (She looks at the check and slowly puts it back into the envelope)

LIZ -  What can I say?

ELI -  I'm sure you'll think of always do!

LIZ -  Why didn't you tell me this before?

ELI -  I tried, but you never let me finish!

           (They sit and start to laugh, he reaches over and takes her hand)

ELI -  I just wanted you to know....the truth....

          (She takes both hands and squeezes them)

LIZ - Thank you……Dad.  (Deep breath) I love you.

ELI -  I love you, too.

(She stands, shakes her head)

LIZ -  So, do you want the eggs or the tuna?  Or .....does it matter at all?

ELI -  Why do you make life so difficult?  Just decide for me....

LIZ -  Whatever I pick, you won't like......

          (The lights start to dim)

ELI -  So what difference does it make what you pick?

LIZ -  Ah, the difference is, if you pick, it's not my fault!
ELI -  What are you talking about?  It's your fault no matter what!

          (They laugh as the lights blackout.  The end.)


Note: A few words about 'free' -  all these monologues are protected under copyright law and are free to read, free to perform and video as long as no money is charged. Once you charge admission or a donation, or include my work in an anthology, you need to contact me for royalty 
Janet S. Tiger    858-736-6315      
Member Dramatists Guild since 1983
Swedenborg Hall 2006-8


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