Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Monologue Mania June 19, 2019 The Elbow of the Mountain- a play in one act by Janet S. Tiger (c) all rights reserved

Welcome to Monologue Mania- one new free* monologue a day- -for over 5 years!
 Now posting one-act plays every few weeks, and monologues in between.

Today is Day #  June 19, 2019  To look at the other titles - click here

  first   year - Feb. 13, 2014 - Feb. 12, 2015   - all the way through  Feb. 16, 2019, every day a post - some new, other popular pieces revised and re-posted.  

Get  more great award-winning monologues -
If you'd like to write your own monologues, I happen to have a book for that -   
Thank you for your comments - and for liking and sharing this site on Facebook, Google - with friends.  Wishing you much success!
Monologue Mania June 19, 2019  The Elbow of the Mountain- a play in one act   by Janet S. Tiger (c) all rights reserved

Some notes  - Over a period of two weeks, my work was seen in 4 venues* in San Diego- first time this has ever happened!
 I was chosen again for That24HrThing 2019 (5th time in 6 yrs) to write a monologue, but due to another writer's emergency, I was asked to write a play, which was produced on June 16, 2017 at the Central Library.   A link to watch is here  

For the  2019 That24HrThing! 
On the morning of June 15, the chosen writers are given prompts as a starting point for the play-

I got -

3 female characters
- a prop –hypodermic needle 
– a location- The Foot of the Mountain
And the line – Why do you say that?          
This is what I wrote that was due...24 hours later and produced that night!
Thank you to the actors, director, crew- and audience!

                                          The Elbow of the Mountain                                                           
                                                                 A play in one-act
                                                                  By Janet S. Tiger

Setting -  Hotel room in 5-star hotel

Characters-  ‘The Team’

EMI LAU -  late 30s, early 40s, Asian
OLIVIA PARKER -  20s - very 20s, Caucasian
DARLEEN TURNER -  20s-early 30s, African-American

            (We hear the sounds of the team before we see them.  Grumbling ‘What did I forget?’ ‘The kitchen sink’, no, it’s here…’why didn’t we have that nice young man help us?  Because we are strong women!’ some groaning, laughter as we see the three women come into view, they are hauling luggage. DARLEEN is pulling two suitcases, EMI another smaller one and OLIVIA has a small over-the-shoulder bag and  her hands in her pockets.  They come into the room and DARLEEN pulls open the curtains to look out at the audience and gasp.  The others come over, their mouths are hanging open)

            (We hear the sounds of the team before we see them.  Grumbling. ‘What did I forget?’ ‘The kitchen sink’, no, it’s here…’why didn’t we have that nice young man help us?  Because we are strong women!’ some groaning, laughter as we see the three women come into view, they are hauling luggage. DARLEEN is pulling two suitcases, EMI another smaller one and OLIVIA has a small over-the-shoulder bag and  her hands in her pockets.  They come into the room)

DARLEEN – What do you have in here, Emi, bowling balls?

EMI – I was always taught to be prepared.  I have enough clothing and food to last for the whole
week –even if there is no washer and dryer!  I’m prepared for everything!

OLIVIA -  So am I.

EMI -  How do you figure that – all you have is that little bag!

OLIVIA -  If I need anything, I’ll borrow it from you!

DARLEEN – Anything you need, get it and charge it to the room, the company gives us an
allowance for food and dry cleaning and……!

(While she’s talking, DARLEEN pulls open the curtains to look out at the audience and gasps.  The others come over, their mouths are hanging open)

DARLEEN -  That is one big ass mountain!

EMI -  They expect us to climb that thing?

DARLEEN -  Yes, Emi…that’s why we dragged all this crap up here!  It’s for team-building!

            (Olivia peers out and shakes her head)

OLIVIA -  I’m not climbing it.

EMI -  If she doesn’t, I’m not either!

DARLEEN -  Ladies!  There is no ‘I’ in teamwork!

OLIVIA -  There is also no ’I’ in dead!  And that’s we’re gonna be if we try to climb that thing,
just like the people on Mt. Everest….

EMI -  Oh, I saw a special about that!  Lotta of people die climbing Mt. Everest!

OLIVIA – To be specific, over 300 people have died and most of them are still on the mountain
(enjoys this)– there’s even a special valley filled with dead bodies wearing brightly colored snow gear!

            (The others just look at her)

DARLEEN -  Thank you for that cheery tidbit, Olivia!

OLIVIA -  My pleasure….

            (Emi opens a suitcase)

EMI -  You mean,  a jacket like this!

            (She pulls out a bright jacket)

OLIVIA -  Kinda like that, yeah.

            (Emi shrieks and runs around while Darleen shakes her head)

DARLEEN -  You just had to do that?

OLIVIA -  I like sharing knowledge…..

            (Emi stops and holds up the jacket)

EMI -  If I have to go, you think this is a good color for me?

DARLEEN -  (Loud)  Listen up, team!  Mt. Everest is like a few miles high….

OLIVIA -  29,029 feet to be specific, and the name in Tibetan is Chomolungma.

DARLEEN – What we are climbing is Mt. Lassen!  It’s about 2,000 feet! The hike is 5 miles –
round trip!  It takes about 5 hours –round trip!  -it’s an easy climb for beginners like us – and they didn’t bring us here to argue!  There is a reason!

OLIVIA -  And the reason was to get us outta the office so the guys could have that bachelor
party …..

EMI -  And I think they’re getting  a stripper!

DARLEEN -  Ladies,  this is an opportunity, and we don’t want to waste it,
do we?  They are grooming us for a project that looks to be very important, one which could involve opportunities for all of us!  Programming for you and me, Olivia, statistical analysis for you, Emi……

EMI -  I heard it’s bigger than the Tech Drek program…..

OLIVIA – And that means bucks, right?

DARLEEN- And yes, possibly a bonus!  We have been the only women in this firm, let’s try to
work together, like we did carrying in Emi’s fifty bags…..

(Emi and Olivia laugh at this)

DARLEEN - So, look, why don’t you two go find the pool – they said it was nearby, and we can
go swimming to warm up for climbing the mountain….

OLIVIA -  I told you, my mother lost her job, and we lived in our two door Chevy Nova for
months, I am not sleeping outside!

EMI – I never knew that!  I’m so sorry.  But why you’d come now?

OLIVIA-  It was a free trip, nice hotel, and more important….did any of us have a choice?  I
don’t think so, besides, who has to know?  You guys can have fun climbing, I’ll stay here
and relax…..

DARLEEN -   Olivia, I’m sorry about what happened your family, too, but ….that was 10 years
ago...... now someone is paying you to have fun, and if you think you get to stay in this great room while we are trekking up that hill….you are sadly mistaken because we are sticking together…right, ladies?

(The two start to protest but she holds up her hand.  They reluctantly exit as she shoos them out.  As they leave, her phone rings)

DARLEEN -  Hey, Mr.  Burkhardt….we got here. ….it’s very nice…..yes, we are in the
process of examining the mountain project…..uh, uh…..yeah, team building…..I appreciate how you are trusting me with this…….uh, what?  You want me to do what?...I can’t do that!  …You want me to cut this to a two-man team?  To fire one of my friends? To be the villain….. Yeah, I imagine that would exhibit loyalty to the firm……I see…..(very upset, but trying to hide it) ….yes, sir…..I want to be one of the remaining members of the team……I completely understand….thank you sire, I mean, sir, I will try to have a good time…..

            (She hangs up and goes to throw the phone against the wall, instead doing some martial
arts to relieve the tension.  The others return and watch her, she finally notices them and stops)

OLIVIA -  Go team!

            (Darleen stops and turns away.  They notice)

EMI -  Is everything all right?  Who called?

DARLEEN – Everything is just fine….

            (She takes a deep breath)

EMI -  Something is wrong!  I knew it!  I forgot my box of water purifying
tablets!  This trip’s cursed! 

OLIVIA -  And who called?

DARLEEN -  Mr.  Burkhardt called.

OLIVIA -  The Anal in our company name Anal- Lize This!

DARLEEN –(Trying to figure out a way to explain)    My parents used to tell me that  I had to
be twice as good as anyone to make it half as far…well  I’ve been working for Burkhardt since college…..I was his first female intern!  It took two years just to get to the point where I didn’t have to make the coffee!

OLIVIA – Darleen, you are only three years older than I am, but you talk like my mother!  Get to
the point!  Why did he call?  Is he gonna be our Sherpa?

DARLEEN -  (Deep breath)   We are now going to be a two-man team.

OLIVIA -  (She got it)  So, instead of team-building, this time is really for….team reducing…..

EMI – (Getting nervous)  I didn’t see a spa….

OLIVIA -  (Gets it) Emi… They’re not talkin’ five pounds, they’re talking  (indicates Emi) this
many pounds!

            (Emi is horrified, but stops when Darleen raises a finger)

DARLEEN – (Hard to say)  I…. I have to reduce the team!  By one person!

OLIVIA -  And I’m guessing it ain’t gonna be you!

            (The three look at each other, then start backing away)

EMI -  I just decided, I’m not going on the mountain either!

DARLEEN -  (Horrified at the thought)  Do you think I was gonna push you off the mountain?

            (They look at her)

DARLEEN -  Five years we’ve been working together - I thought we were friends! 

EMI -  My family warned about friends like you…..we’re friends for after
work…for coffee…a drink….

DARLEEN – Okay, maybe we started being friends because the guys hate us…..but now, they’re
making us fight amongst ourselves…

OLIVIA -.that happens on Mt. Everest, you know, the teams leave the dying members behind to freeze to death…..

EMI -  That was in  the PBS special, too!

            (Olivia suddenly goes to her own bag and pulls out a package)

OLIVIA -  Get rid of Emi – she’s an addict, she dropped this in the bathroom!  It’s a hypodermic
needle!  It probably explains why she’s so old and has so much energy!  She’s a meth addict!

EMI -  Why do you say that?  I take insulin!  I have diabetes!  If you want to get
rid of a weak link-  (sputtering)…Olivia….she’s a snitch!  She keeps track of all times you go out to get coffee! 

OLIVIA -  So what if I’m a little OCD?  It’s not like I tell Mr. Burkhardt….

            (The two are practically fighting when Darleen steps between them)

DARLEEN -  Do you see what they’re doing to us? 

EMI -  Just like on Mt. Everest!  They want me to be left in the valley with my pretty jacket that
cost $300!

OLIVIA -  And they wanted me to freeze up there!

it is not even that cold on Mt. Lassen…..for God’s sake we can probably climb up there tomorrow and be back by lunch!.....We can’t blame them for trying to split us apart, but we can resist,  and that is what WE are going to do!  Are you with me?

EMI -                                 Yes!

            (Darleen picks up the phone and punches in a number)

DARLEEN -  Mr. Burkhardt?  Yes, I have some news for you……yes, we have done the team
building exercises!.....we started at the foot of the mountain, and ...metaphorically speaking...we reached the top of the mountain….. but we also know that most of life is really about choices, somewhere in the middle, kind of like, the elbow of the mountain…….and that is where we all bent a little and we have come to a decision – we are never going to be a two-man team!  Because we are three women and we are sticking together!  And because you tried to throw us off a mountain…..we quit!

            (She pushes the button and stares at them staring at her)

EMI  -  What  you mean – WE quit?

OLIVIA  -  Yeah, where’d that come from?

EMI -  And what is this….elbow of the mountain…

DARLEEN -  I thought….I mean, we were all on the same page……

            (They start towards her and she steps back, a little nervous)

DARLEEN -  What happened to  -‘we have to stick together’….

            (Before they reach her, the phone rings and she takes the opportunity to move away)

DARLEEN -  Yes……I understand….no one ever speaks to you like that……well, maybe you
mean….no MAN ever speaks to you like that……okay, I won’t push it…..yes,  I hear….really?…really?  REALLY?.....I’ll tell them!.......thank you sir!

            (She hangs up, her mouth wide)

EMI -  So we got our jobs back?

DARLEEN -  Oh, no!

OLIVIA -  Then what the hell are you smiling about?

DARLEEN -  (Ecstatic) He liked that we stuck together ….these are his words….like men! 
They’re giving us  …..our own division!  We even get to hire assistants…..

            (They all do a victory dance)

OLIVIA -  And we don’t have to climb that damned mountain?

DARLEEN-  Oh, we’re gonna get to the top of the mountain….but not just this mountain, we’re
gonna work together so the next step, is our own company….what do you say, my friends- let’s move some mountains! 

 (They laugh and start singing ‘Ain’t No Mountain High Enough’ with elbows high! as the lights dim)

            The end          

Here's where my shows were - thanks for your support!

* - 5 Minute Play Contest  Lawrence JCC - Let Me Finish! June 3
   - Lamplighters - Oh, Susannah! -June 7,8,9 and 14, 15, 16 
    - Scripps Ranch - Sweepstakes - June 10
   - That 24HrThing - The Elbow of the Mountain June 16

Note: A few words about 'free' -  all these monologues are protected under copyright law and are free to read, free to perform and video as long as no money is charged. Once you charge admission or a donation, or include my work in an anthology, you need to contact me for royalty 

Janet S. Tiger    858-736-6315      
Member Dramatists Guild since 1983

Swedenborg Hall 2006-8    

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Monologue Mania June 3, 2019 Root - a play in one act by Janet S. Tiger (c) all rights reserved

Welcome to Monologue Mania- one new free* monologue a day- -and still going!

Today is Day #  June 1, 2019  To look at the other titles - click here

  first   year - Feb. 13, 2014 - Feb. 12, 2015   - now in year 6 !      
I've continued with a monologue a day until the spirit moves me to stop - if you have any ideas for a monologue you want me to write, please let me know at

Get  more great award-winning monologues -
If you'd like to write your own monologues, I happen to have a book for that -   
Thank you for your comments - and for liking and sharing this site on Facebook, Google - with friends.  Wishing you much success!
Monologue Mania June 3, 2019   Root - a play in one act   by Janet S. Tiger (c) all rights reserved
Just learned I was chosen again for That24HrThing 2019 (5th time in 6 yrs) to write a monologue.  For more details click here  
(In the next two weeks, my work will be seen in 4 venues in San Diego- first time this has ever happened!)
                                                                 A play in one-act
                                                                  By Janet S. Tiger

Setting -  a field, barren, cold – truly very far from home
Time -  1944 Nazi occupied Europe

SARAH - in her 30s, looks older, very tired, drained, cold, in prisoner clothing
CHILD - around 9, full of life

(Through the audience, the Nazi is yelling at and we see Sarah struggling to keep up.  She is exhausted and finally the guard stops.)

GUARD - We stop here for break – for dinner! 

(He laughs and takes out something from his pocket and starts to eat.  Sarah watches then bows her head.  The guard sees something and begins shouting, storms off.)

SARAH – It was Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year, and an easy day to fast in those times.
There was no food, and it was freezing….

            (We hear the guard shouting, then a gunshot)

SARAH - Even though the Nazis were running short of everything, somehow, they managed to
find bullets to kill us.  I remember thinking….it’s time to die….

            (She takes off her shawl and lays down, as a young girl approaches in a pretty dress)

CHILD - Mama!  Mama!  Please get up!

            (Sarah looks around, cannot see the child)

SARAH – I heard a voice….

CHILD - Not just a voice, but my voice, Mama!

            (She struggles to get up and looks around as the child follows her)

SARAH - It was so real….

            (The girl goes and hugs the woman, who now tentatively puts her hand onto the girl’s

SARAH – I couldn’t be pregnant… period had stopped a year ago….when we got to the first
camp.  No food will do that……Even though one of the guards had……

            (She stops, shudders, and holds her stomach)

SARAH -  Maybe it was the best thing not to bleed every month……
CHILD -  But Mama, you cannot die now!  I will never live if you give up!

SARAH -  But how can I go on!  There is a limit!  The guard just killed another friend…..even if
I survive this Yom Kippur, how could I possibly be written into the Book of Life?  There is no life!

CHILD -  Don’t say that, Mama!  I am here!  I will be here….in a few years….things will be

SARAH – Sadly, it’s not the first time she has done this….given me this false hope…..there
was an air raid, and the bombs fell close to the train we were on, and we were sure the bombs would kill us, and I heard her voice saying….have faith…..

CHILD -  Wasn’t I right, Mama?  Didn’t the bombs hit other cars?

SARAH -  And killed other friends….but did they spare me….why me?  Why must I live?

CHILD -  Because I’m here, and it will be a good life for me, and you will have grandchildren
through me!

SARAH -  Not if I can’t eat!  I can’t live on a dream!  On something my brain has created!  I
don’t want to live anymore!

            (The guard is seen, he looks at Sarah standing)

GUARD -  Stupid woman!  In a few minutes we walk again and you’re standing!  Stupid Jew!
            (He goes off laughing and Sarah moves to go after him.  The child grabs at her skirt.)

CHILD -  No, Mama!  Don’t do this!  He will kill you!

SARAH -  Then I will die so you can escape!  Run away!  Get away!  When I go to him, you run
to the forest, and hide, there will be someone to help you!

CHILD -  Please!  Listen!  You are not thinking well!

SARAH -  How can I think without food?  Without water?  How can I go one more step?  It is
the end of the year, and the end for me!

CHILD -  All right, Mama, I will help you…..there is rain coming…

SARAH -  There are no clouds….

CHILD – Watch, and pray…..say the prayers for the evening of Yom Kippur…..
            (Sarah bows her head and begins to pray.  There is the sound of thunder, then a flash of
            lightning, and we hear rain falling.  Sarah looks up and feels the rain on her face and
starts to cry)

CHILD -  See…you just need a little faith!

            (The guard comes back, shaking his head)

GUARD -  Get under the trees you idiots!  It’s raining!  Don’t you know enough to come in out
of the rain!  Even a dog knows to do that!

(He kicks at the ground near Sarah and she hears a sound, drops to her knees and starts to dig.  She pulls out a carrot, muddy, and wipes it on her clothing, starts to eat.  The guard watches, amazed.  He lifts his hand as if to take the food, then shakes his head and backs

GUARD -  (In awe)  With luck like that, we will never beat these people……

            (He walks away as the child comes forward to face the audience)

CHILD -  That was my grandmother……and this is the story my mother told me… I believe
it?  All I know is….although I never met my grandmother – she died before I was born and I’m named for her…..

(She takes something from her pocket)

CHILD – And I have always loved carrots!

            (As she walks off she says the motzi – the prayer before eating.  Thank God not the end)


Note: A few words about 'free' -  all these monologues are protected under copyright law and are free to read, free to perform and video as long as no money is charged. Once you charge admission or a donation, or include my work in an anthology, you need to contact me for royalty 

Janet S. Tiger    858-736-6315      
Member Dramatists Guild since 1983

Swedenborg Hall 2006-8