Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Monologue Mania Day # 1161 Mirror Man by Janet S. Tiger (c) April 18 , 2017

Welcome to Monologue Mania- one new free* monologue a day- -and still going!
  first   year -  Feb. 13, 2014 - Feb. 12, 2015  second year -  Feb. 13, 2015 - Feb. 12, 2016  third year -  Feb. 13, 2016 -  today!                 
I've continued with a monologue a day until the spirit moves me to stop - if you have any ideas for a monologue you want me to write, please let me know at tigerteam1@gmail.com.
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Monologue Mania Day # 1161 Mirror Man by Janet S. Tiger (c) April 18 , 2017               
                                                 Mirror Man
                    ©Janet S. Tiger all rights reserved

             (A young man enters, jaunty, dressed well.  He is looking around, smiling.)

Infinity!  I just love that word!  No end!  Ya just add one, and ya got another number!  I remember when I was a kid and I learned about infinity, I thought about it for days....weeks.....

              (He fishes through the jacket pocket)

I made some notes.....here.....

              (He finds a crumpled paper, opens it)

Oh, yeah, I remember.  The mirrors.

              (He shoves the paper back in his pocket)

I think everyone knows how you can be, like, a million people, maybe even..... infinity people!

Actually, it's pretty easy - all you have to do is get two mirrors.  I didn't have a big apartment, but I did have in my bathroom one mirror that was big, and there was another mirror on the opposite wall, so I could see my back.

At first I thought it was just for girls.....like to see if their dress is up in the back or something, or their butt looks too big, but for me, as soon as I could see there was more than one of me, wow, that just blew my mind!

I tried to count how many me's there were, and I lost count, because every time I moved, the number would change!  And then someone at work told me it was infinity, that it never ended!  Wow!  That was like, the biggest thing I ever thought about in my life, I mean outside of school, and I never thought much about school........ except when I was getting out!

So, I started looking, because all the guys were just like me in the mirror, exactly the same......and then, one day, I noticed, that one of them.....one of them was different......it wasn't like a big difference or anything.  I couldn't even put my finger on what was different, because we all would always have the same clothes.

But he was not like me.  Not the real me.  He was......bad.

.......And he was the one who killed those people, not me.  I told those doctors all this, my lawyers, too, but no one believes me, except.....him.  He knows.

That's it, I'm sorry he killed all those people, but it wasn't me.  Ya see, he wanted to do infinity but in, ya know, a bad way.  How many people did he kill?  I dunno.  Maybe he killed infinity, because ....there was always one more......Okay, I'm ready to go.

           (He puts his hands behind his back, turns to leave, stops, looks back)

And the next person he's gonna kill......is me......

           (He exits.  End of scene)

This was first posted as part of a one-act CRIME - but have revised it to stand on its own.
      Monologue Mania Day # 393 by Janet S. Tiger  Mirror Man  March 12 , 2015

Note: A few words about 'free' -  all these monologues are protected under copyright law and are free to read, free to perform and video as long as no money is charged. Once you charge admission or a donation, or include my work in an anthology, you need to contact me for royalty 
Janet S. Tiger    858-736-6315                CaregiversAnon.org
Member Dramatists Guild since 1983

Swedenborg Hall 2006-8

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